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Thank you for reading my Teaching Portfolio! My teaching philosophy is broken into various parts: my Essential Decisions, Code of Ethics, Theoretical Continuum, Ideal Classroom Layout, Rules, Guidelines, & Expectations, classroom Procedures, Positive & Negative Consequences, Community, and Additional Management Resources. These parts work together to create a management philosophy that I believe is best for my young learners and will yield the best results in my classroom. I hope you leave here with a thorough understanding of my teaching philosophy and how it connects to all the elements I’ve discussed.

I would like to add that this is my teaching philosophy at this point in my career. I anticipate it to change as I learn, grow, and reflect on my experiences as a teacher. In my years to come, I plan on reflecting on my decisions as an educator, what came from these decisions, and how I can change to yield better results. As stated in my Code of Ethics, I am devoted to growing and developing as an educator and I am excited to begin my journey in doing so. 

Conclusion : Welcome
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